Family Engagement at LL

  • Intake Process

    We connect with each family prior to the child’s first day at LL for an intake conversation. We chat about your family life and your child’s experiences and needs. This conversation helps us get to know you and your child better and allows us to make sure we meet them where they’re at.

  • Home/Community Visits

    Prior to your first day of school at LL, our teachers will come visit you and your family at your home or out in the community. We use this time to connect and begin building relationships. These visits will allow us to get a sense of what your family’s home and community life is like and how we can best help integrate LL into your community.

  • StoryPark

    We use the confidential platform, Storypark, to create a digital student portfolio where teachers will share Learning Stories as well as daily individual and classroom updates with parents. Storypark includes space for Community Posts, where parents can share resources and build community.

  • Community Events

    Quarterly, these events will help children and families build community and bridge the connections between home and school life. Families are highly encouraged to attend. We meet virtually and in local parks throughout the year.

  • Conferences

    Bi-Annual conferences allow teachers to share observations and assessments of the child: developmental progress, personal growth, strengths, challenges, etc. It is a time for teachers and families to celebrate accomplishments, brainstorm around any challenges, and set goals for moving forward. Conferences are a vital component in ensuring children are getting the most possible out of their time at Las Luciernagas and it's a time to deepen the teacher/family relationship.

  • Volunteer Opportunities

    To create a community of support, respect and communication, LL encourages families to volunteer their time. Parent participation in fundraising, organizing events, and/or assisting with program projects/activities is always greatly appreciated! LL’s wish list is updated throughout the year and staff appreciation events are planned every other month. Families are encouraged to share ideas of how they would like to volunteer their time!